A Cocky Nerd and an Angsty Drama Geek: Part Three

This part is how I have witnessed that God is sovereign: I was dating a guy who was a defensive lineman for our high school football team. He also happened to have Bipolar Disorder and was emotionally manipulative the entire time we were dating (almost three years). I also spent a good portion of my time trying to talk him out of his deep and very dark depression. Needless to say, he was emotionally and physically intimidating, and I let him control me for the good part of all three of those years.

I never told anyone anything about what he put me through.

I'm sure my friends had their inklings, and my teachers and parents noticed a change in me. But no one could convince me what an awful mistake I was making.

I started my senior year of high school on a good note, but still dating this boy. It was as if I woke up one morning and realized I was worth more than this, more than settling. I threw myself into drama, yearbook and student government like it was what was going to save me. Ben happened to be in two of the three of those activities, so we started seeing each other a little bit more outside of work.

So, about two years after we first started working together, Ben and I were shut up alone together in the conference room that October afternoon to put together some binders. Because of his almost non-existent work schedule, I knew very little about Ben aside from the fact that he was also dating someone else.

I said "Hi," and all at once this kid opened his mouth and started spilling it all.

About how he was dating a girl who had Bipolar.

Who was emotionally manipulative.

Who he had to talk down every night from her deep and very dark depression.

I was the first person he had ever told.


  1. crystal, i'm so sorry i did not pay more attention to what was going on those with you those few years. BUT, i know it all ended well, so there's that ;)

    love you, lady!

  2. Thanks, Ali! It wasn't a situation where I was listening to reason anyway, but I appreciate the sentiment =)

    And yes! Without that relationship, I wouldn't have had anything in common with my love, so it worked out!
