25 Before 25

Okay friends, I need your help. I'm starting a "25 Before 25" list which is essentially, a list of things I'd like to do before I turn 25 years old on February 22, 2012. It's not exactly a full year, but we'll try it.

I really need help on the last items--any suggestions? And also, what does it mean about me that I can't think of 25 things I'd like to accomplish before I'm 25?? Procrastination? Unmotivated? Someone please analyze this for me.

1. Run a Half Marathon
2.  Plant a Vegetable Garden
3. Get my MSW (giving myself a little room here, extends to May 2012)
4. Visit Santa Barbara
5. Improve my Spanish
6. Go to a Laker Game
7. See Prairie Home Companion Live Again
8. Find a Comfortable and Sensible Pair of Heels I Can Wear to Work
9. Blog Consistently for at Least a Month
10. Practice Yoga 1x per week
11. Audition for a play
12. Buy a bathing suit I feel beautiful wearing
13. Write my thesis
14. Finally get my magazine subscriptions
15. Get a passport
16. Clean my house at least once a week
17. Write a letter to "little me" 05/25/11
18. Write a letter to "future me"
19. Buy a house
20. Read one book per month
21. Go to Coachella or Sasquatch!
22. Complete StoryCorp with Granny
23. Win concert tickets
24. Have my drink order recognized by a barista at Starbucks 06/02/11


  1. Love this idea. What a fun journey this will take you on. I love the letter and the bathing suit ideas.
    Read one thousand gifts!
    learn to make sushi
    Win a contest
    learn choreography to an old britney spears video
    make a dress or shirt for yourself

    As for the other questions about being unmotivated, I surely could not fill up a list like this. And I know I wouldn't even try with kids and husband keeping me so busy already.
    Love that you are doing this especially now, bc...... :)

  2. great list! i'm halfway through writing mine, too! actually i only have 10 at the moment. the last 15 seem super hard to come up with.

    also, i just ran a half marathon! definitely worth the effort!

  3. I can help with #4. We are having Lou's birthday party in Santa Barbara in a few weeks. COME!!!!

  4. And how old are you now? This is a LOT to do! Haha, I need to make a list of what I wanat to do before I turn 50! That's just too old.
