(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman OR How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Stopped Taking Yasmin.

Soooo...BIRTH CONTROL. I'm going to go ahead and warn you now that if this subject makes you squemish, you need to stop reading here. Really. There is no other topic discussed here. Stop it.

Okay. So two years ago (6 months before my wedding) I started taking Yasmin, thinking an oral contraceptive would be the most logical choice. Here, in no particular order, are things that have developed in my life since that time: I've gained 10 pounds, I've started having anxiety attacks, I've started having heart palpatations and my acne has gone away. All but the last haven't exactly been enjoyable.

Last week, Ben and I had a long discussion and decided to stop oral birth control for one reason: the anxiety attacks. It's really unusual for me to have such a low stress tolerance, and it can be one of the side effects of Yasmin.

Another reason we discussed was more on my end. Let me be clear:  I DO NOT WANT TO HAVE A BABY RIGHT NOW. I like SLEEP, eating when I want to, being able to go to the gym whenever, doing whatever, whenever. Especially since getting the schedule for Grad school. That would be enormously foolish of me. Also, I'm not into tricking and manipulating my husband into doing things I want to do. I'm not a psycho.

The reason was this: I've never felt comfortable taking Yasmin. I don't like the idea of taking artificial hormones into my body. It creeps me out. And the coorelation in some studies with different cancers, I'd just rather not take the chance when there are so many other choices out there for us. I'm not ashamed or embarrassed about our decision because while some people might think other methods are foolish or taking too much of a chance, I can more than assure you we are covered, but more than that I can assure you we don't care if you don't like it. Know why? Because it's our decision. BOOM. TRUTH BOMB.

And you know what? I'm pretty proud of myself, for making a decision that may not be popular but is my own conviction. Who knows? Maybe when Ben and I do decide to start a family, we'll opt for waterbirth. Not.


  1. Hmmmm. Makes me wonder what kinds of conversations you've been having with people that made you feel the need to explain this. It's your choice, guys, and only yours. What anyone else thinks is, well, completely irrelevant. IMHO of course.

  2. LOVE the title of this post, BTW!

  3. I took this for a while just to lose weight as a friend of mine swore by it and it was over the counter in Latin America. Didn't work for me tho. (Mark had alread had a vasectomy so I didn't need it for birth control. A bunch of us took it for weight loss...haha)
