California Loves

In honor of Christi's visit tomorrow, I want to review the things I LOVE about California! These are the things I really missed while we were in Texas. We missed them so much, we came back! 

I LOVE  me some Disneyland. Especially during the holidays! I just recently got a season pass, I had one in college and loved being able to cruise down the 57 (freeway, for those of you who don't speak Californian) and jump on a few rides then head home. Also, I firmly believe the best Mocha ever made resides at Bakersfield Bakery in California Adventure. Best. Ever.

One of my very first loves. A #2, Animal Style, No Tomatoes, No Lettuce with a Diet Coke. Ironic? I don't care. In the words of Tracy Jordan, "I wanna take this cheeseburger behind a middle school and get it pregnant."
Newport Beach
Ahh, Newport. Ben and I used to sunbathe and cuddle on you in high school and college, then we got engaged on you. Your Old Spaghetti Factory just has that magic spark and I could not love you more.

Palm Desert

Palm Springs, you are a gay man's paradise, and that's why I love you. Open, accepting, and understanding, Palm Springs wraps her humid arms around you in the only way a beautiful drag queen could. The facials and massages are nice, too.

1 comment:

  1. And I love that you loved CA enough to come I get to be your friend!!!
