11 random things about me:
1. I'm thinking I might not ever be able to work full-time in one job again. I am thinking maybe part time at 2?
2. I never thought of myself as ever being athletic until I started doing CrossFit! It's so empowering!
3. Yoga is the most relaxing thing I can do for myself, but I rarely do. Seriuosly, like I leave studios in a relaxed dazed. I probably shouldn't drive after that.
4. TV is a hobby for me. I should feel bad, but I don't. It's my guilty pleasure!
5. I'm double jointed in both of my thumbs.6. I'm a hypochondriac (if you know me, this isn't that surprising).
7. I've never traveled outside of the US, not even to Mexico or Canada.
8. When we were little, I was mean to my sisters. Like, so mean I hesitate to tell you how mean.
9. I love magazines. It's a little embarrassing how hard it is for me to throw them away.
10. I take vitamins every single day.
11. I love giving class presentations.
Ali's Questions for Me:
1. If you had a time machine, where would you go? Into the future, to see my life in 20 years. I'm not into reliving the past.
2. Other than your spouse, who has had the most impact on your life? My mom and my granny, hands down.
3. What do you aspire to? In the near future? In the Distant future? I aspire to be a decent, good person, through the grace of God. In the near future, I aspire to be a mommy. In the distant future, I aspire to be a professor.
4. What is one thing you love about yourself? I love my ability to change, and adapt.
5. One thing you would like to could change? My hesitance to be vulnerable.
6. If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? College professor, teaching social work
7. If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life, what album would you choose? This is going to take some pride-swallowing but...Any of Taylor Swift's albums. I never get tired of those.
8. If you could only keep one material possession, what would it be? My wedding ring. I'm a symbolic person and I love wearing this symbol every day.
9. If you had $100k to give to one charity, which charity would you donate to? Operation Jump Start. Every child deserves a chance at a higher education.
10. Do you have any nick-names? Ohhhh do I. Chippy, Crys, sissy, babe, hun, C, Christopher Robin, Kiss-Kiss. Those are family and friends mixed in =)
11. What is your favorite brunch food? BISCUITS AND GRAVY. Ahem. I'm kind of a connoisseur.
Questions for the Girls I Tagged:
1. What's your current favorite TV show?
2. What's the weirdest question someone has ever asked you?
3. iPhone or Blackberry?
4. Petta or Matthew Crawley?
5. Favorite Book?
6. Ever met a famous person? Who?
7. Favorite blog?
8. Favorite Christmas tradition (I really like Christmas)?
9. What is your earliest memory?
10. If you could change one even in your life, what would it be?
11. If you could leave one possession for your kids (future or present) what would it be?
There are six rules:
1. Post these rules.
2. Post 11 random things about yourself.
3. Answer the questions set for you in the original post (i.e., Michelle's for me).
4. Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them.
5. Notify the people you're tagging.
6. No saying, "If you're reading this, you're tagged."
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