The One Where I Am Slammed On The Internet

So, if you speak to me on...well...any kind of basis, you know Ben and I are trying for kids. Well, sort of. We really wanted to get the house out of the way first, and as of the end of next week, that will be checked off our list. So I guess now it's official.

Although we weren't trying officially before, my ever fluctuating thyroid (for the past 9 months or so) has kept me guessing. As I previously posted on this blog, I also stopped birth control last year. So needless to say, I've been guessing quite a lot lately. And ladies--pregnancy tests are expensive, oookkkaaayyy?

I've been charting my basal body temperature since December, in a effort to figure out my cycles and figure out what my body is doing. It sounds silly when I say it out loud, but honestly, if you want to know your body and what's normal for you, this method is incredible. It's simple, and free, and even good for women who aren't trying to conceive.

In my research I came across TTC (trying to conceive) message boards, on These message boards (as far as I could gather) are a place for women who are TTC to talk to each other about symptoms, get opinions and generally garner support from each other. If you take 5 minutes to check out these boards, the most post looks something looks like this: "I'm so many days past ovulation and I'm having these symptoms. Could I be pregnant?"

Yesterday, I posted on one of these message boards. Listed my symptoms, and asked for opinions. Here was the response that then blew up on my thread:

Let me just say that her response was after another poster said the following:

"I'll ignore the fact that you're asking whether you're pregnant or not.
You're only 10 DPO. Chill out for four more days, then take a test."

Because there are no other words for it, I'll call it as I see it: this lady was a giant bitch. And I told her so. But in the most Christian way possible. I'm a bad person.

The second poster's response didn't bother me, except for the last sentence: I'm pretty sure an early test can answer the "am I pregnant" question better than a bunch of internet strangers.

Record scratch.

I thought we were all clear on our purpose here. I feel like once you sign up for TTC message boards, you drop all pretense of pretending to have any dignity left. Let's just all call this what it is: Strangers on the internet attempting to gain hope from others who may or may not have been there before. I'll promise not to judge you, considering we are all desperate mommies-to-be-hopefuls who are on the internet late at night asking strangers for help, if you promise to do the same.

End rant. Needless to say, in the meantime I'll take my desperation elsewhere. Like random strangers in line at Starbucks who could be more gracious.

PS: Hi to my family, who might be horrified that I'll be chronicalling my TTC misadventures on this blog. Love you guys!


  1. First of all: I didn't know you have a blog! Very cool!

    Second: What a bunch of jerks? I personally was never fond of the message boards on the bump. It seemed to me that the gals on were much friendlier. Have you tried that one? I'm still friends with a few of the girls I met on there years ago while pregnant with my middle child.

    Happy TTC!

  2. DO NOT let these people get you down. The hard part about TTC is that you want to talk about it ALL THE TIME. Message boards seem like the best place to do this but you run the risk of mean girls. Some Bitches be crazy. Look for a message board some place else. Also just an FYI you can get pregnancy tests at the $1 store. It took us over 4 years to get pregnant with Lou so I know how expensive they can be.
